Friday, January 15 - "Sea Shanty and Chill"

January 15, 2021 00:44:27
Friday, January 15 - "Sea Shanty and Chill"
The KC Morning Show
Friday, January 15 - "Sea Shanty and Chill"

Jan 15 2021 | 00:44:27


Show Notes

Happy Friday, and Yippie Fri-YAY from The KC Morning Show!

Today's edition of The KC Morning Show is brought to you by Charlie Hustle Co. KCMS20 for 20% off, IN-STORE & ONLINE!
A packed episode for your snow day. On the show today, we've got news! INTRODUCING....Heartland Homegrown! Local music every Thursday with Ben Wendt, host of Ope! Radio. Who doesn't love a good back door pilot, right?!
Kitty freestyles the news, 45 has been impeached for a record breaking two times, and more updates on vaccine rollouts. 
We wrap with A Sports Thing from Sport's Illustrated's Benny Heisler. 
Another great day to be a Kansas Citian! Stay safe, stay warm, MASK UP!

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