Monday, November 2 - "Defund Daylight Savings"

November 02, 2020 00:49:20
Monday, November 2 - "Defund Daylight Savings"
The KC Morning Show
Monday, November 2 - "Defund Daylight Savings"

Nov 02 2020 | 00:49:20


Show Notes

Happy Monday from your KC Morning Show, voted best local podcast in Kansas City!

HUGE thanks, again, to our friends and family who voted for us, and especially The Pitch! 

On the show today, Mayor Quinton Lucas!
We air our grievances over daylight savings time. Covid numbers are...still bad. Hartzell has a list, and Scientists say decorating earlier for the holidays can literally boost your spirits. We wrap with a sports thing from Sports Illustrated's Benny Heisler. Go Chiefs.
As always, a great day to be a Kansas Citian.
We love ya, KC. Turn up, turn out, GO VOTE!

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