Monday, November 9 - "Peacock Like Pulido"

November 09, 2020 00:40:24
Monday, November 9 - "Peacock Like Pulido"
The KC Morning Show
Monday, November 9 - "Peacock Like Pulido"

Nov 09 2020 | 00:40:24


Show Notes

The happiest of Mondays to ya, from The KC Morning Show!

On the show today, (finally) the results are in! Kitty does a Monday freestyle to celebrate, and thanks to Sporting KC, Hartzell gets ready to frost those tips. 

Its award season in Kansas City, and Non-Profit Connect is hosting it's annual Philly Awards, TOMORROW NIGHT! Jake Jacobson tells us all about it. 

We wrap with a surpise and a sports thing, courtesy of Sports Illustrated's with Benny Heisler. (CONGRATS BENNY!!!)

Mask Up and Stay Safe! It's a good day to be a Kansas Citian. 

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