Latest Episodes

Tuesday, September 1 - "Who Could Play Satchel Paige?"
Biopics are all the rage right now, so Fox 4 Film Critic Shawn Edwards begs the question, "Who could play Satchel Paige? You're the...

Monday, August 31 - "Re-Pilot"
Happy Monday from The KC Morning Show! On today's episode, we RE-PILOT! The gang adds a new voice, Hartzell hits play on the Best...

Friday, August 28 - "The Rubber Match"
It's our Friday edition of the KC Morning Show, as presented by Charlie Hustle. The world continues to react to the Jacob Blake shooting....

Wednesday, August 26 - "HARTZELL-19"
Hartzell got COVID. We discuss the latest in Kansas City and around the country. Pete has a sports update and your mid-week events.

Monday, August 24 - "Jesse's Girl"
It's another edition of the Kansas City Morning Show! Will Block, president of Re-New KC Neighborhoods, joins the program.

Friday, August 21 - "Freestyle Friday"
It's another edition of the Kansas City Morning Show, as presented by Charlie Hustle. We've got some DNC updates, COVID updates, Chiefs updates, Update...