Latest Episodes

Friday, October 2 - "It Is What It Is"
Happy Friday from The KC Morning Show! Today's Red Friday show is sponsored by Charlie Hustle Co! Use promo code 'KCMS20' for 20% off...

Thursday, October 1 - "It's Electric Poe, Boogie Woogie, Woogie."
Happy Thursday, from The KC Morning Show! On the show today, we catch up with our friends from The Coterie Theatre, R.H. Wilhoit and...

Wednesday, September 30 - "Beautiful Orange Undertones"
Happy Humpday (BAY-BAY!) from The KC Morning Show! LAST DAY TO VOTE FOR BEST LOCAL PODCAST!

Monday, September 28 - "Monday Night Mahomes"
Happy Monday from The KCMS crew, brought to you by The Ambassador Hotel! Join us, TONIGHT, for KC v. Baltimore in the Urban Oasis. ...

Friday, September 25 - "Every Day Is A Holiday
Happy Friday from your KC Morning Show, brought to you by our friends at Charlie Hustle Co. As we wrap up the week, we...

Wednesday, September 23 - "We're On Our Way"
Happy Humpday from The KC Morning Show! On the show today, the KCMS crew breaks down Rolling Stone's Greatest Albums of All-Time. Hartzell puts...